
A passion for project development!

Our principle

“The PAUL OPATZ Group is a family-owned company that focuses in particular on the project planning of residential and commercial real estate for its own long-term portfolio. Trusting partnerships at eye level are always our top priority!”

– Maximilian Opatz, Managing Partner

Our projects

Below you will find an overview of our current construction projects for our own long-term portfolio. If you have any questions about the individual projects, please feel free to contact us at any time!



Office building with units from approx. 360 m²

Location | Bremen, Überseestadt Type of project | New office building Investment volume | approx. €15 million Lettable area | approx. 3,800 m² Start of construction | early 2023 Completion | late 2024


Office buildings with units from approx. 200 m²

Location | Bremen, Überseestadt Type of project | New office building Investment volume | approx. € 3.5 million Lettable area | approx. 1,300 m² Start of construction | end of 2022 Completion | end of 2023



Two residential buildings with 6 rental apartments

Location | Bremen, Horn-Lehe Type of project | New residential building Investment volume | approx. € 6.5 million Lettable area | approx. 680 m² Start of construction | mid-2024 Completion | mid-2025


Apartment building with 11 rental apartments

Location | Bremen, Horn-Lehe Type of project | New residential building Investment volume | approx. € 7 million Lettable area | approx. 1,200 m² Start of construction | end of 2024 Completion | beginning of 2026


Our references

Below you will find an overview of our completed construction projects, all of which we have planned for our own portfolio. If you have any questions about the individual projects, please feel free to contact us at any time!



Residential building with 4 units

Location | Hamburg, Othmarschen Type of project | New residential building Investment volume | approx. € 7.5 million Lettable area | approx. 550 m² Start of construction | spring 2021 Completion | end of 2022


Office buildings with units from approx. 250 m²

Location | Bremen, Überseestadt Type of project | New office building Investment volume | approx. € 5 million Lettable area | approx. 2,200 m² Start of construction | spring 2021 Completion | mid-2022


Our News

Find out more about us!

So that you know what the current status of our construction projects is, you will find below various articles on our projects and plans. We also provide insights into our daily work and inform you about exciting developments of the PAUL OPATZ Group.

VIEW // Ist unsere neuste Visualisierung vom VIEW nicht einfach atemberaubend? 😍

Schon ganz bald können auch wir den Sonnenuntergang am Waller Sand aus unseren neuen Büroflächen betrachten! 🌅

Bist auch du noch auf der Suche nach einem neuen passenden Büro für dein Unternehmen? Dann melde dich noch heute bei uns!

Dein Ansprechpartner hierfür ist Elias Hahn unter
📞Tel.: 0162 260 3783
📧 E-Mail: e.hahn@paul-opatz.de

#paulopatz #bremen #projektentwicklung #immobilien #realestate #projekt #view

VIEW // Impressionen vom gestrigen Richtfest unseres Bauvorhabens VIEW: Mit dem VIEW entstehen auf 10 Etagen individuelle Büroeinheiten ab 200 qm. Ein besonderes Highlight ist der unverbaubare Weserblick und die Lage direkt am Waller Sand. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an unsere Partner, geladenen Gäste und unser fantastisches Team – ohne euch wäre das alles nicht möglich gewesen! 🏢🌊🎉

#paulopatz #bremen #projektentwicklung #immobilien #realestate #view #projekt #richtfest #dankbar

VIEW // Heute fand das Richtfest vom VIEW statt! 🙌🏻🤩

Ende diesen Jahres wird das VIEW fertiggestellt sein und Anfang nächsten Jahres können die Mieter als auch wir unser Headquarter beziehen! 😍

Bei leckerem Essen, guter Laune & sonnigem Wetter konnten wir heute das Richtfest feiern und bedanken uns bei unseren Partnern @doepker.bauunternehmen @op_engineers @hilmeslamprechtarchitekten @sparkassebremen und Kollegen, die das alles ermöglichen. 🙏🏻

#paulopatz #bremen #view #projekt #richtfest #projektentwicklung #immobilien #realestate

About Us

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Does the PAUL OPATZ Group purchase land and houses?2023-11-27T10:16:15+01:00

Yes, PAUL OPATZ Group is always looking for new plots and houses suitable for projecting and development. The PAUL OPATZ Group also invests in residential and commercial real estate for its own long-term portfolio. Should you wish to sell a property, please feel free to contact us at any time!

Is it possible to apply for a job at the PAUL OPATZ Group?2023-09-30T12:21:52+02:00

Of course! Feel free to apply for one of the
job advertisements
of the PAUL OPATZ Group. However, you are always welcome to send an unsolicited application to the PAUL OPATZ Group. You can do this best by sending an email to
or via the contact form on this website.

What is the PAUL OPATZ Group?2023-09-30T12:21:48+02:00

The PAUL OPATZ Group is a medium-sized family-owned company, which concentrates on the project planning and acquisition of residential and commercial real estate for its own long-term portfolio. An in-house property management team takes care of the administration and maintenance of the properties. The PAUL OPATZ Group is also engaged in the development and operation of restaurants and hotels.

What motivates the PAUL OPATZ Group?2023-09-30T12:21:48+02:00

The PAUL OPATZ Group is motivated to implement sustainable and visually appealing construction projects for its own long-term portfolio. At the same time, the PAUL OPATZ Group would like to create added value for society and have a lot of fun in their daily work.

Who works at the PAUL OPATZ Group?2023-09-30T12:21:48+02:00

The PAUL OPATZ Group employs a young, dynamic and motivated team that is passionate about project development and the real estate industry.

What are the principles of the PAUL OPATZ Group?2023-09-30T12:21:48+02:00

At the PAUL OPATZ Group, principles such as reliability and loyalty are paramount.

What are the requirements for a job at the PAUL OPATZ Group?2023-09-30T12:21:48+02:00

To become a part of the PAUL OPATZ Group, you must be interested and enthusiastic about real estate. It would also be good if you already have experience in the industry, as the team works very independently for the most part.

What is the working atmosphere like at the PAUL OPATZ Group?2023-09-30T12:21:48+02:00

At the PAUL OPATZ Group, care is taken to ensure that the work-life balance is maintained at all times. The team of the PAUL OPATZ Group sees itself as a family and likes to spend the free minutes together at the billiard table.

Paul Opatz hallway
Paul Opatz Office Building
Paul Opatz Office
Paul Opatz Office Building 2

Contact us

We are looking forward to meeting you!

PAUL OPATZ Group GmbH Schellackstraße 1 28217 Bremen Phone: +49 (0) 421 83 06 1110 E-mail: info@paul-opatz.de

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